Survey App

We offer the ability to perform your own surveys! Are you a piling company or a local construction company looking to perform your own small-scale surveying? Our survey apps allow you to easily perform simple surveys! Whether you are a professional survey company looking for a low-cost solution or you have no prior experience in surveys but are looking for the collection of geospatial features, our app is for you!

What Does the Survey App Include?

Our app is a subscription based mobile software licence that also contains the hardware needed for your specific application. We can customize the app to fit your specific needs! We have developed a Spacer App, ROW Clearing APP, and Trenching APP that can help our clients with their projects within 1 cm level positioning accuracy without a surveyor on site. This will save you time and money!

Targeting transmission line construction audience, we have also developed Sag Calculator App which allows our client to calculate sag values in real time and prompt the stringing crew with hnow much they need to pull/release the wire to reach design sag value. Current on the market calculator can only identify the sag value difference in real time but can not estimate the pull/release length to reach design sag. This tremendously speed up the stringing process and increase the production.

Using Aerial LiDAR and Orthometric image Surveys is the best choice for your next survey!

Why Choose a Survey App?

Renting and purchasing professional survey equipment is incredibly expensive and often requires years of experience and training to be able to use effectively. Hiring a professional surveyor can also be expensive if you’re only working on small scale projects. We offer an incredibly user friendly mobile application that can perform basic surveys for your next project. The app includes a highly accurate GPS device – accurate up to one centimeter – as well as a hosting service to host all your project data. We offer support to convert your design data and upload to the server, and the mobile application will automatically check and download the latest survey information! This app is one of a kind and offers you the chance to perform small surveys yourself for a fraction of the cost.

To use our survey app for your next project, please contact us!
